Empoderándote para un futuro mejor. Descubra el camino hacia su mejor yo con Acceleration Gateway.

Acceleration Gateway es un ministerio que promueve la importancia de la integridad, cultiva el bienestar espiritual de los demás y apoya, empodera y entrena a las personas para maximizar el desarrollo espiritual.
Shalan Landry es una madre orgullosa, autora publicada y maestra de la Biblia a quien le encanta glorificar a Dios sirviendo a los demás. Tiene una maestría en Psicología Industrial-Organizacional (I-O) de la Universidad Purdue. Tiene el don único de conectarse con los demás en sus lecciones retratando de manera simplista temas complejos. A Shalan le apasiona servir promoviendo la importancia de la integridad y cultivando el bienestar espiritual de los demás.

Estamos muy felices de que estés aquÃ. Felicitaciones por su decisión de maximizar su desarrollo espiritual y prosperar en una vida con propósito. SuscrÃbase y aproveche al máximo el sitio, y no dude en comunicarse con nosotros para obtener asistencia adicional. ¡Estamos en esto juntos! Todos, sin importar las circunstancias, pueden vivir una vida de gratitud y propósito. ¡Muchas gracias por visitarnos!
Shalan Landry, Psy.M.
Dios dijo que en esta vida tendremos luchas, pero anÃmense porque El ha vencido al mundo. Vivimos en una era en la que las personas generalmente se sienten incompletas. Las investigaciones muestran que casi 16 millones de personas solo en Estados Unidos sufren de depresión o algún tipo de enfermedad mental. Todos hemos sentido el impacto de las tormentas de la vida, por eso necesitamos un ancla. Los problemas vendrán pero Dios estará con nosotros en cada paso del camino. Puesto que Dios, nuestro Padre Celestial, ya ha vencido al mundo, ¡nosotros también somos vencedores! Shalan.Life es un sitio dedicado a apoyar a las personas en su viaje para vivir una vida sana y con propósito a través del empoderamiento, la inspiración y el compartir ¡Las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo!​
Todo nuestro contenido, ropa, libros, aprendizaje en lÃnea, libros, devocionales y diarios están disponibles para ayudar a las personas a superar su lucha y vivir una vida plena llena de gratitud y propósito.​
¡Gracias por visitarnos!
​​¡Explore Acceleration Gateway hoy y compártalo para correr la voz!
We Are Here To Help.
Why Acceleration Gateway?
We are committed to providing you with the highest level of support and continuously strive to uphold the best standards. Our team is dedicated to delivering top-quality service in everything we do. By choosing to work with us, you can be assured of our unwavering commitment to excellence. The core of our work is grounded in the love, hope, and message of Jesus Christ.
What is the difference between life coaching sessions and Christian counseling?
Christian Counseling involves determining a compassionate resolution and healing for emotional trauma and pain carried from the past by applying faith-based or Kingdom principles. Conversely, life coaching focuses on the present and future, guiding individuals to pinpoint their goals, harness their strengths, and take proactive steps forward.
Are counseling and coaching confidential?
Counseling and coaching are confidential, which means that your information will not be shared with a third party without your consent. However, there are certain situations where we are required to break confidentiality and seek external help. These include instances of planned self-harm, planned harm towards others, and child abuse.
Do you prescribe medication?
No. We do not prescribe medication.
Which is better for me, counseling or coaching sessions?
The approach can vary. You may opt for counseling, coaching, or a combination of both. At times, when you feel completely lost, it's hard to identify what's holding you back. Counselors can guide you through this journey and assist you in dealing with or even overcoming, these barriers once they are identified. On the other hand, coaches are adept at problem-solving, focusing on helping you gain clarity on your life goals and how to establish and reach them. Those engaging in coaching sessions are generally driven by internal motivations, seeking guidance and direction on how to accomplish a specific goal or desired outcome.
Do you treat mental illnesses?
In Christian counseling, we focus on addressing situational causes and applying faith-based principles to guide you toward healing and restoration, rather than diagnosing or treating clinical issues.
Can you do lessons or motivational messages that are not faith-based?
Lessons and motivational messages don't have to explicitly include scripture. They don't have to have a religious aspect. Even though Bible verses and terms like "God" or "Lord" may not be mentioned, the message will still be based on Kingdom principles. We won't deliver lessons or messages that aren't aligned with the Word of God.
Can I choose a topic or theme for my group's conference call lesson?
Certainly! Yes, you can select a topic or theme for your group's conference call lesson. There is a dedicated space on the submission form where you can specify details about your audience, the theme you want, and the topic. Once you have filled out and submitted the form, the teacher will get in touch with you to discuss further the desired outcome of your conference call lesson.
Do you accept insurance?
No, we do not accept insurance as we are a private practice. However, we offer aptly affordable session prices and payment plans.
What is the difference between a licensed therapist/counselor and a Christian counselor?
A licensed counselor must adhere to state and federal laws and ethics set by a state licensing board. They need a graduate-level degree from an accredited university, pass a graduate exam, and meet their state’s minimum requirements, including any oversight procedures. On the other hand, Christian Counselors don't need a graduate-level degree or state licensing. They help clients by incorporating Christian principles and tools into everyday life. Despite this, Acceleration Gateway's founder Shalan Landry holds a graduate-level degree in I-O Psychology and is nationally board-certified as a Christian counselor. She is well-prepared to assist clients during tough times, guide them through life's challenges, and provide them with Biblical principles and tools to help them claim the peace God has for them.
What is the return policy for merchandise purchased at The Kingdom Store?
Please visit the return policy here for The Kingdom Store merchandise.
More Questions?
Contact us with your question(s) here.