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Are You All-In? Part 3

This week’s devotional call-to-action topic is being All-In for God. Monday and Tuesday, we introduced this topic in, “Are You All-in?”. We established that there is no in-between in following God. You either loved God by keeping His commandments or you Hate God by not keeping His commandments. Wednesday and Thursday, we discussed the importance of being all-in, what being all-in for God looks like by studying examples, and ways to glorify God in everyday living. Today, we will continue with more examples. We will also discuss one of the main reasons people do not go all in for God.

What do you think is the main reason for people, especially Christians, not to go all-in?

People that do not know God has an excuse. They haven’t experienced God yet to even know who He is. One of the main reasons why believers do not go all-in for God is because they internally believe, for whatever reason, God cannot do what He said He will do. Others do not firmly trust in God’s timing. Some believers seem to think that they or someone else may do things better than God can. So they place their hope in someone who did not create them, has limitations, or have their own selfish agendas. Plus, going all-in for God often feels stupid and unnatural because it gets us out of our comfort zone as we must feel the need to be in control of our circumstance.

Let’s study the story of David. David was overlooked and disrespected by his father and brothers, but none of that could stop his God-given destiny and purpose. The embarrassment or awkwardness did not keep him from connecting himself with God. The first time was when the prophet, Samuel was instructed (by God) to anoint the next king of Israel. He was told that the King would be one of the 8 sons of an Ephrathite named Jesse. Samuel told Jesse that the Lord informed him to bring out all of his sons so that He can reveal the next king so that Samuel can anoint him with oil. Jesse called 7 of his sons out to meet Samuel. One-by-one, they were told that they were not the next king. Samuel had to ask Jesse if he had any other sons. Jesse completely forgot about his youngest son, David. David was out tending to his Father’s sheep. When he came to his father and Samuel, God confirmed that David is to be the next king. Samuel anointed his head with oil. What happens next is kind of anticlimactic, but it is the second awkward moment of inconvenience. He didn’t get a throne. He didn’t move into a palace. A crown was not placed on his head. No, he went back to the field to continue tending his father’s sheep. Essentially, he is the next king, but continued carrying out the lowly task of watching sheep. A little later, King Saul brought him to the kingdom to play the lyre (a small harp) so that he could go to sleep. Then, he became an armor bearer. This is at least, the third time David could have given up and turned away from God. Remember, God has ordained him as the next king, yet he is still a servant of the current king. Nevertheless, David remained humble and worshipped and served God the entire time. Fast forwarding to when Goliath comes into the story, Goliath is the intimidating, 9-foot 9 inches Philistine that was taunting Saul’s army, the people of Israel to fight him. Everyone was afraid of him. So they just stood there and let him blaspheme God’s name. Jesse instructed David to go and bring his three oldest brothers food at the army camp where he seen and heard Goliath defaming God. This is the fourth time David was shunned. David’s anger arose as he heard Goliath ridiculing Israel. He asked men standing near what they intended to do to Goliath for mocking Israel. He said, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” David’s anger was not of arrogance or selfishness. His anger burned in the name of the Lord. David’s oldest brother fussed at him for being there and told him to get back to his sheep and stop being arrogant. Fast forwarding a bit David fought Goliath in the name of The Most High God. Not only did David beat Goliath with pebbles and a slingshot, but he also took Goliath’s sword and cut his head off with it! David risked his life in the name of the Lord, and He helped David defeat Goliath. Although all of Saul’s soldiers were people of Israel, the children of God, no one took the step to go all-in for His Name’s sake. That is, no one but David.

Know that going all-in for God doesn’t mean that we will or have to be perfect. The same David that defeated Goliath in the name of Jesus killed his friend so that he could sleep with his wife. Still, God called David “a man after My Own heart”. The only person that walked this Earth without sinning is Jesus, who does not have our sinful bloodline. For more information about this, take the time to take the course, “The Invitation” to gain a better understanding. The goal of going all-in is to be like Christ by living a righteous life. We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. Each person is different but loved by God regardless. Everyone has the opportunity to accept the invitation of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.




Thank you for loving us right where we are. Speak to us and show us who You are. We pray that You help us to trust you. Thank You for Your grace, mercy, and perfect patience. It is in Jesus name I pray.



Have You Accepted THE INVITATION?

If you have not accepted God as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course THE INVITATION. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation.

If you haven’t accepted GOD’S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:


I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.

It is in Jesus’s name I pray.


All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.

~ Luke 15:10


If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! You now have The Insurance! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what God’s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!

Also, consider enrolling in the DISCOVERING GOD course to learn more about who God is. This course delves deeper into God and why we all need Him. Take advantage of the introductory price and enroll today.




This weekend, find time to read the story of David, at least the sections of Samuel anointing him as king (1 Samuel 16), the fight with Goliath (1 Samuel 17), and what happened after he sent Bathsheba’s husband off to war knowing that he wouldn’t return (2 Samuel 11). God sees our heart. He is not looking for perfection from any of us. He just wants us to love him with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and love others as we love ourselves. This means we must conform our thoughts to align with His. If you are ready to go all-in, pray and ask God how you can serve Him. Ask Him what is it that you can do to give him glory.

Jesus is the ultimate example of going all in! He did only what His Father told Him to do, including being crucified after being subjected to embarrassment, lacerations, bruises, and other unimaginable suffering. He did all of this and more just to save us, people that He knew would repeatedly disrespect and sin against Him.


Thank you for reading. I pray that this has been a blessing to you. Remember, you do not have to do life alone. Let’s walk this journey of wholeness, gratitude, and purpose together!


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