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  • Foto del escritorShalan

I Am So Offended!!

Offenses, Being Offended, and Forgiveness

Imagine holding on to offenses. You've placed them all in a large trunk. The only thing is you must sit on the trunk to keep them. The offenses are agitating, festering, and putting up a fight to get out. You remain seated on the trunk to keep them in. Meanwhile, your friends ask you to hang out with them. You can't because you have to sit on your trunk. One of those offenses was something a friend did 3 years ago. They go on and have the time of their lives. Totally offended, you see it all on social media as you remain seated on your trunk, which adds another offense to your collection. So, you remain seated on your trunk, plotting a plan to take revenge on your friends. Your family is having a large family gathering. Maybe you go, but you must bring your trunk of offenses with you. After all, the trunk houses a few offenses from your sister, your aunt, and two of your cousins. So, you’ve already established that you will give them the cold shoulder if they try to engage in conversation. You arrive at the gathering, but you don't enjoy yourself because you are busy holding on to the trunk of offenses. You eventually seclude yourself to put more focus on the trunk of offenses. Your family is enjoying each other's company, which offends you because no one thought to even check on you…another offense added to the trunk. They are gathered around your grandparents as they tell stories about their lives. They are passing down life lessons to the younger generations. Your family takes turns sharing funny stories from the past as you seclude yourself in a separate room with your trunk. You return home and cannot sleep because those offenses will not keep still. They are determined to come out. Depression sinks in because you have repeated this cycle for years, collecting more offenses along the way. Finally, sickness sets in. No matter how much sleep you get, you are tired, fatigued, and full of anxiety. Finally, you give up and move away from the trunk. The offenses burst out of the trunk and fly out the nearest window. You are now free! You are free, yet gravely remorseful that you didn't release the offenses years ago. So much of your life passed you by, opportunities to make beautiful memories slipped through your fingers. You sacrificed your joy, peace, abundance, and health to hold on to something that was never meant to be kept. Read the scriptures below.

What do these scriptures mean to you? We will break each scripture down this week, with emphasis on offenses, being offended, and forgiveness. Today, let’s discuss Luke 17:1.

Jesus declares two things in this scripture. The first is that offenses will come. Notice that the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Sovereign, Most High God is saying that something is IMPOSSIBLE. It is impossible that offenses will not come. Whether it is committing or receiving, we all have experience with offenses. No one is exempt. The second declaration is that judgement is coming (Luke 17:1 (AMP)) for the person that causes the offense. The New Living Translation Bible states that sorrow awaits the person who commits the offense. Let’s look at the word “offense”. The word “offense” derives from the Latin term offensus, meaning “annoyance”, and the Old French term offens, meaning “misdeed”. We’ve all experienced someone or something that has done us wrong (misdeed – wrongdoing). However, Jesus did not mention that the offense would have any effect on the one on the receiving end of the offense. Perhaps it is because it is a choice. Offenses are inevitable because of the introduction of sin with Adam. (Please take our free course, “The Invitation” to learn more.) It is up to us how we handle the sins of others, knowing that we all have sinned. Now, take a deeper look at the word “offended”. It derives from the Latin term offendere, meaning “strike against”. Therefore, we can conclude:

  • Offense – the event or what is done (It is a noun.) – A thing

  • Offend – The act of upsetting, insulting or hurting someone with an offense (This is a verb.) – An act

  • Offended – to be upset; a negative reaction after an offense (It is an adjective.) – A feeling

An offense can offend, causing the person to be offended, which could provoke them to stumble and sin.

So how does an offense offend an individual? What is the root cause? PERSPECTIVES! God created Adam. Through Adam, God completed billions more of us, all with different personalities, characteristics, and mindsets. No two people are exactly alike. So, what would make us think that we completely understand the perspective of another person? This is why God said that it was IMPOSSIBLE to not have offenses. Most (not all) offenses and offended people occur from misunderstandings. As Christians, followers of Christ, we need to be mindful of this:

  • Offenses will come our way.

  • Essentially, it is our choice how we react!

  • We must not allow offenses to provoke us to sin.

So, what will you choose? What will your mindset be? Will you collect all of the inevitable offenses that come your way and allow it to build up and overwhelm you like our depiction of the offenses in the trunk? Or will you take heed to Luke 17:1 and exercise self-control?


Have You Accepted THE INVITATION?

If you have not accepted God as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course THE INVITATION. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation.

If you haven’t accepted GOD’S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:


I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.

It is in Jesus’s name I pray.


All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.

~ Luke 15:10


If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! You now have The Insurance! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what God’s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!

Also, consider enrolling in the DISCOVERING GOD course to learn more about who God is. This course delves deeper into God and why we all need Him. Take advantage of the introductory price and enroll today.



Pay attention throughout your day and remember Luke 17:1. Pay attention to your emotions when offenses come your way. If you do not have any offenses against you today, think back on a time that an offense did arise. What were the emotions and reactions? Did you allow the offense to offend you? Did it drive you to stumble and sin? Remember, we have all sinned and fallen short. It happens. Improvement is a process.



Thank You for loving us right where we are and for affording us Your perfect patience. Please speak to us, over us, and through us as we progress through this week. Help us to maintain self-control, be slow to anger, and forgive others as you have forgiven us. Thank you for the freedom and healing that will ensue from releasing offenses and placing our struggles in Your capable hands.

It is in the matchless name of Jesus we pray.


We will unpack offenses and forgiveness more tomorrow and throughout this week!

I look forward to it! Let’s stay on this journey!

- Shalan



  • Elevation Church / Robert Madu. (2019, June 24). Get Over It | Elevation Church | Pastor Robert Madu. Retrieved from YouTube:

  • Landry, S. (2022, September). Grow. Retrieved from Shalan.Life: www.

  • Landry, S. (2022). Whole: A Guided Workbook of Life. Beaumont: Westbow Press.


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