Regret (v.)– Late 14th century, regreten, "to look back with distress or sorrowful longing; to grieve for on remembering,"
Regret (n.) – a complaint, lament; pain or distress in the mind due to some external circumstances
Based on the above definitions and word origin, regret is nothing more than feelings of remorse or disappointment. It’s a feeling or human emotion, which means that our intentional, omniscient Creator created it. Know that if there is still life in your body there's still time to change, improve, or right a wrong. None of us can change or physically relive our past because we only operate in one direction in time. We all move forward in time at the exact same pace. 60 seconds is 1 minute. 60 minutes is 1 hour. 24 hours is 1 day. Does anyone receive 25-hour days? No, there's no such thing. So, it is safe to say we only live each second once. Well, why do we feel the need to harbor on past mistakes, loss, or failures as if it would change its outcome? Why do we waste and contaminate seconds that we will not get back? The past is only good for one thing. Education. What can you learn from that mistake you made? What could you have done differently in that failed marriage? What red flags have you learned in choosing your friends, spouse, and acquaintances? Did you learn anything from being released from your job or that business deal that caused your company to plummet? What steps can you take to ensure that your house doesn't go into foreclosure again, or that you have to file for bankruptcy again? I know that I did not mention every situation, but you get my point. The bottom line is that you should reflect on your past, mistakes, and regrets to learn from them for a better future outcome. Notice that I said “reflect”, not “dwell. There is definitely a difference. Read the scriptures below.

Even God had regrets. One of His regrets was choosing Saul to be the King of Israel. God chose Saul and instructed him through Samuel. The Lord instructed Saul to kill all of the Amalekites and their livestock. Saul disobeyed. Not only did Saul take Agag, the king of the Amalekites, and keep the best of the livestock, he lied to Samuel about it as he was having a monument erected in his honor. He only realized this after Samuel explained it. Still, he blamed it on his men, stating that he was afraid of what they would do if he’d followed God’s instructions. Saul did multiple things that dishonored God. First, he decided to not carry out God’s instructions as if he knew better than God. He kept the best of the Amalekites’ livestock even though God instructed Him to kill them. This is not only disobedience, but lack of faith and trust that God would supply all their needs. Saul also had a monument built in his name as if the victory that him and his soldiers were experiencing was on his own volition. He chose to glorify himself instead of glorifying God. Lastly, Saul stated that he was afraid of what his men would do. God says that we are to be courageous multiple times in the Bible because being fearful is not of God. He gave us power and a sound mind, not fear and insecurity. So, God regretted making Saul king because Saul disobeyed God. Even though God is Omniscient (All knowing), He gave us our own will and dominion over the earth, which gives us the option to go against His Will and instruction. Read the scriptures below.

The bottom line is that even God has had regrets. This tells me that regret has less to do with you but the outcome of a situation or circumstances. God did not do anything wrong when He made Saul king. The regret arose due to the outcome of Saul being king, the disobedience. God did not harbor or dwell on this regret. He moved on to correct it, by rejecting (taking His favor away from) Saul and choosing David, a man after God’s heart, as the next king.
Don’t allow regret to negatively affect your future. You’ve survived 100% of your worst days for a reason. I can guarantee you that that reason was not to harbor on your past disappointments. Move forward to correct or improve the outcome you regret just as God did in the example of Him choosing Saul. This week try to be mindful of your thoughts and actions, bringing it all to the conformity of God’s Word.
Thank You for Your grace and Mercy. Your Word says that we have all sinned and fallen short of Your glory, but we are still forgiven! You Love us in spite of our disappointing moments. Help us to see our regrets as a compass that points us to You so that You can direct our path. Teach us to forgive ourselves and others as You have instructed us to do. Speak to us this week, prepare our hearts, and reveal the things that are hindering us from fulfilling the purpose You have given us for Your Name’s sake. We thank You and glorify Your Holy Name. It is in Jesus’s Name we pray.
Have You Accepted THE INVITATION?
If you have not accepted God as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course THE INVITATION. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation.
If you haven’t accepted GOD’S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:
I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.
It is in Jesus’s name I pray.
All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.
~ Luke 15:10
If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! You now have The Insurance! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what God’s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!
Also, consider enrolling in the DISCOVERING GOD course to learn more about who God is. This course delves deeper into God and why we all need Him. Take advantage of the introductory price and enroll today.
Start off with a prayer. First, be sure to ask God to prepare your heart and mind for the revelation that He will give you. Then, ask that The Holy Spirit speaks to you through the scriptures you are about to read.
Read and take notes on the following scriptures:
Romans 3
2 Corinthians 7
1 Samuel 15
After reading and reflecting on the scripture answer this question. “What is The Holy Spirit saying to you?”
Read these scriptures multiple times in different versions (I.e., ESV, NIV, NLT). The Bible app offer various version. Also, Bible Gateway is a Bible site that makes it easy to switch from one version to the next ( Remember to pray to God asking Him to show you what He wants you to see within the scriptures.
Thank you for reading. I pray that this has been a blessing to you. Remember, you do not have to do life alone. Let’s walk this journey of wholeness, gratitude, and purpose together!
- Shalan