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Foto del escritor: ShalanShalan

Actualizado: 1 feb 2023

Divorce, bereavement, sickness, you name it. As we know, storms hit hard because life happens. However, the good news is: 1. Storms do not last. 2. There is a way to not only survive, but to thrive in the storm. Let’s delve into storms and see if we can make the most of them.

We know the downside of storms (both weather and in life). I’ll list some notable characteristics for you. Storms can cause environmental damage and impact the ground or foundation. It can destroy homes and places of business. They are inevitable thereby predictable because there are signs prior to its arrival. However, the potential havoc it wreaks is volatile. How did I do? You get the point, right? Well, which storm are you referring to Shalan? Thunderstorms, hurricanes, snowstorms, and tornados? Or life’s storms? Lol…The answer is yes.



Can cause environmental damage and impact the ground or foundation

  • Lightening can strike trees and powerlines and start a fire.

  • Flood water saturates and softens the soil

​Can cause environmental damage and impact the ground or foundation

  • Things like betrayal and neglect from family and friends, job loss, divorce and other external circumstances can throw us for a loop

Are inevitable thereby, predictable; there are signs prior to its arrival

  • The Weather Channel, Nimbostratus (rain) Clouds, and thunder

Are inevitable thereby, predictable; there are signs prior to its arrival

  • God gives us the heads up in John 16:33

​Can destroy homes and places of business

  • Floodwater can invade homes and buildings destroying the structure and property within it.

  • Wind can blow trees and other objects into streets, buildings and homes

​Can destroy homes and places of business

  • Storms can take a mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional toll on us, which can gravely affect our relationships and productivity.

​The potential havoc it wreaks is volatile

  • We cannot control storms. We can only prepare as best we can.

​The potential havoc it wreaks is volatile

  • Life happens...

  • Even though God gives us the heads up, He doesn't always give specifics.

Can be fatal

  • Can injure and cause casualties

Can be fatal

  • Physical and mental illness due to stress, depression, anxiety, etc.

Brings in unwanted visitors

  • Snakes, mosquitos, ants, stray animals, etc.

​Brings in unwanted visitors

  • Offenders

Ok, how about those upsides? Well, the most important one is that God can control both! In Mark Chapter 4, Jesus calmed a storm with 3 words. Read the scripture below.

I like this scripture because it is full of lessons. In Verse 35, it states that Jesus said, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” At first glance that did not stick out to me, but think about it.

  1. If Jesus Christ, God The Son, tells you to do something it will be done because He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19).

  2. The omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, sovereign, creator of the world, author and finisher of our fate said, “Let’s,” which means that He is going with them.

Just in that 35th verse, we gather that when God tells you something will come to pass, believe Him despite the circumstances going on around you because you have a promise of completion. Don’t fret because what you see before you is not the end of your story. Plus, you are in great company as God is with you through the very end. So, if Jesus isn’t concerned, you have nothing to fear. Just hold on to the promise. We can criticize the disciples for not having faith, worrying, or accusing Jesus of not caring, but we do the same thing! We worry and stress over things around us, completely forgetting God’s promises. I am guilty of it. I have prayed for God to use me to influence for His glory. The problem is that I am looking for Him to do it the way I picture it in my head.

Here is another thought. You can always ask God why, but He may not answer. Or, you may not like or understand it. Think about this. What can you gain from the famous “God, why is this happening to me?" Will that change your circumstance? Will knowing why it is happening make whatever’s happening any better?

Here are more important questions:

  • “God, what is it you want me to learn or gain from this?”

  • “Lord, what do you want me to do?” Or “Lord, can you please direct my path?”

  • “Lord, how can I bring You glory in the storm or in this season of my life?”

  • “Who can I help?”

  • “How can I help?”

These are more productive questions that warrants an answer.

Another upside of storms is that they have a beginning, middle, and end, which means that they are not permanent. Often, people make the mistake of making a permanent decision (I.e., suicide) based on a temporary circumstance.

Storms often take volatile turns, which can cause significant detriment to all in its path, or in life, all affected parties. The upside, in both instances, is that a good insurance policy gives us a chance to rebuild better and stronger. Insurance is usually mandatory on a house with a mortgage or a vehicle with a lien. Why is that? It’s because its not yours! It doesn’t matter how nice you decorate that house. It doesn’t matter that all of your things are there. That house belongs to the bank that paid the price for it. Despite the time you take washing, waxing, Armor-Alling it, that vehicle still belongs to the dealership or bank that financed it. And as we know, storms will come, and accidents happen. The owner is simply ensuring that its property is secure. Whatever happens, the repairs and renovations are covered. WELL… The Bible says that we were bought for a price and that we are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). The penalty was too high for us to pay. So, we are stewards, not owners. (For more information on this check out the Generosity devotional.) For us, salvation is insurance that has already been paid. However, it is not mandatory because God gave us free will. Sadly, oftentimes, people seem to willingly accept the concept of paying for mandated insurance on a house or vehicle, but shun or shy away from safeguarding their soul by simply accepting the insurance that has already been paid by Jesus.

I kind of get it. The Bible does say to beware of false prophets and there are some out here (Matthew 7:15-20). Some people are leery because God’s Word is taken out context and used as a weapon of conviction and judgement. There’s religion and traditions upheld by institutions that has little to nothing to do with the Will of God. And church hurt is real. If you have experienced any of this, let me take the time to say, on behalf of all Christians, followers of Christ, I am sorry that you experienced whatever it was that steered you away from God. Your feelings are valid. Please know that the people responsible for that hurt, that confusion are not God and did not represent Him when they did what they did. People are people. Church is a hospital for sick people. Don't mistake (small c) churches (single, localized institutions) with The (big C) Church (The body of Christ - all Christians who are in Christ or followers of Christ). And don't think that all churches reflect God. If you have had negative experiences in a church (small C), pray to God about it for healing and ask him to lead you to the right church for you, a church that represents Him. Remember, churches are for sick people. There are good and not so good patients. There are hurt people in church and hurt people hurt people when they have not anchored themselves in God.

We all sin and fall short (Romans 3:23), but I can assure you that God does not!

Can you fight a storm? No, we must wait out storms, right? They are inevitable in weather and in life. You must wait on God, which looks different than how we view it. Waiting is active. Read the scripture below.

You will notice that when you wait properly your attention and energy has shifted from your storm to fruitfulness and productivity for the glory of God. Soon, you'll notice that your strength has been replenished.

Nevertheless, character is not made in crisis, it reveals it. That goes the same for faith. Think about it. A diamond doesn’t become a diamond without pressure. Pearls are created in darkness. This goes for us too. How will we evolve and grow? How will transformation take place? There must be opposition.

So, how will you respond to that trouble? What will you do when that storm comes? Will you let it take you out? Or will you stand on the solid foundation of God, grow, and thrive in its midst? It’s your decision.


Accept The Insurance.

If you have not accepted God as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course THE INVITATION. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation.

If you haven’t accepted GOD’S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:


I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.

It is in Jesus’s name I pray.


All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.

~ Luke 15:10


If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what God’s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!

Also, consider enrolling in the DISCOVERING GOD course to learn more about who God is. This course delves deeper into God and why we all need Him. Take advantage of the introductory price and enroll today.



Reflect on the storms in your life. How have you been holding up? Are you thriving? Are you being uprooted and carried away? Are you in survival mode?

1. Try writing the storm(s) you are battling with down on paper or an index card.

2. Then, pray to surrender those storms to God. Pray this prayer or whatever God lays on your heart.

a. God,

You are not only my Savior, You are my Lord. You are all-powerful, almighty, all-knowing, ever-present, which means that you are stronger than me, bigger than me, smarter than me, and more capable than me. More importantly, You are bigger and stronger than any storm I could ever encounter. So, I surrender these storms to You. I lay all my storms, my concerns, and my worries at Your feet as You have instructed me to do. And I will leave it all there. Thank You for lightening my load. Thank You for Loving me. Thank You for the freedom that comes from laying it all at Your feet. It is in Jesus’s Holy Name I pray.


3. Try asking the 5 questions that are listed in the text above. These questions kickstart and set you up to wait properly as God works in your life.

4. Wait with anticipation for God to manifest in your situation. Remember, God is not on our time. So, it may not be an instantaneous, miraculous experience, but He will keep you in the midst of it as He uses it for Your benefit!

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