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Unpacking the Power of Jabez's Prayer: How One Ancient Request Can Transform Your Life Today

Woman praying in a field

First...We want to hear from you!

What do you believe Jabez's prayer teaches?

  • When I pray for more blessings, God will bless me with more!

  • I've read it or heard of it, but I'm not sure what it means.

  • Be selfless and glorify God in my prayers.

  • I've never heard of the prayer of Jabez.

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 4:9–10

The Prayer of Jabez is a famous prayer that many people pray for. However, it is often taken out of context. Many people think that praying this prayer is the key to getting what you want from God. The logic people usually have with this is that since Jabez prayed for a blessing and got it, I can pray for a blessing, and get it. This is NOT what this powerful prayer is about.

It’s not a prayer of self-advancement. On the contrary, it is selfless, and God is glorified throughout this prayer. The story of Jabez emphasizes the importance of having a relationship with God. The prayer teaches that we are to seek God faithfully and it gives us some things to consider in our own prayer life, which is what I will be touching on in this post.

Man on his knees praying on the beach

So, here's the backstory for this chapter. 1 Chronicles Chapter 4 starts by listing decedents of the Judah Clan by generation, like a roll call. Then, it breaks the list to tell us about Jabez in 2 verses. Then, it resumes the generational roll call.

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 (NIV)

The name “Jabez” is Hebrew for “Sorrow” or “Pain.” Let’s pause right here

His mother named him “Pain” or “Sorrow”, because of something that HAPPENED TO HER that he had NO CONTROL OVER. This is something that happened while he was in her womb and being born. HIS name is Pain because HIS MOTHER experienced pain. Doesn't that almost resemble a generational curse?

  • Your father was addicted to alcohol and drugs. So, you will be an addict too.

  • You saw your mother take abuse from men. So, you will allow people to abuse you too, or you will beat your wife too.

Aren’t you glad that your life, your future is not predicated on what other people call you or what other people have experienced? Isn’t that good news?

So, let’s take a closer look at this…

We usually emphasize that Jabez cried out to be blessed and to enlarge his territory. However, we seldom look at what was going on BEFORE he ever prayed the prayer. The chapter lists some of the righteous decedents of the Judah clan, but it pauses to let us know that:

  1. Jabez was MORE HONORABLE than his other brothers.

  2. His mother gave him the name Pain or Sorrow.

Why is that important?

Although he was labeled as “Sorrow” and was constantly reminded that his mother experienced pain in birthing him every time someone called his name, he was determined not to embody that name. He was honorable. Can you imagine him having to wake up every morning telling himself over and over, “I WILL NOT be "Sorrow." I WILL NOT be "Pain." I WILL be honorable. I WILL be Faithful to God.”

If Jabez had gone on to live the rest of his life defying the odds of the label his mother bestowed upon him, that would have been a win, BUT he prays for more. It’s a short prayer, but it's POWERFUL!

The First Part of Jabez’s Prayer says this:

10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!

Notice that Jabez didn’t specify how he wanted God to bless him or which territory. This reminds me of when the older saints sang, “Any way You bless me, Lord. I’ll be satisfied.” THAT’S TRUST. And trust comes with relationship and proximity or intimacy. It's because, like Jabez, those saints knew that God can do exceedingly above all we could ever ask or think of. So, to specify would put a limit on what God can do for you to go through you! Remember, we don’t own anything anyway, not even ourselves. We are stewards.

We are the hands and feet of God here. So, when Jabez cries out, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!” He is not asking for himself. He is asking to be blessed and an increase in territory for the kingdom of God. He is asking for overflow for God to work through him and for more influence to increase his reach for the glory of God.

The next part of the prayer states, “Let your hand be with me.” This is an important statement because it sets the precedent for the entire prayer. To have the hand of God with you means that His Presence is with you.

It's divine approval, which means you are aligned with God’s Will for your life. This also confirms Jabez’s heart posture and priority because he knew God’s Presence was essential. Anything you try to get or keep without God will drive you crazy! King Saul found this out the hard way. When Saul disobeyed God, God let him keep the throne, the money, and the stuff but took away His Presence. From then on, Saul was vexed by an evil spirit. This goes for anything… A house, a career, a marriage… Without God, there won’t be any peace or joy in it or true success or fulfillment.

Book Shalan to speak.

Jabez concludes this prayer with "and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." Think about this. A person named “Pain” or “Sorrow” is praying to be kept from it.

I would have expected God to change Jabez’s like He did for:

  • Jacob, changing his name from “Trickster” to Israel

  • Or Abram to Abraham, “Father of Many Nations”

  • Or Simon to Peter, meaning “Rock”

  • Or Benonai to Benjamin

Instead, God left his name and changed his future, his legacy so that He could be glorified by this walking contradiction. Despite what he has been called, extenuating circumstances, or what has happened to him, Jabez defies the odds, and to God be the Glory!

Are you a walking contradiction?

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • I don't know.

The last thing I want to emphasize is the word, “so.” That “So” is in the sentence after Jabez’s prayer, “So, God granted what he requested.” The term, “so” is used to signify a result of whatever came before it. So, the reason why God granted what Jabez requested is because Jabez chose to offer himself to be utilized for the kingdom for the glory of God.

Here are some things to think about when you pray. When you are aligned with God’s Will, allowing God’s blessing to flow through you and taking territory for God’s kingdom the enemy sees you as a threat and puts you on his radar. So, check your motives, and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I ready to pray such a powerful prayer like what Jabez prayed?

  • Why am I asking God to bless me?

    • Is it for personal gain, or is it so that I can be a blessing to others?

    • What will I do with what God blesses me with?

  • Why should God enlarge my territory?

    • What am I doing with the influence or territory I currently occupy?

    • What would I do with that expansion if God granted it to me?

Ready Yourself for this Prayer.

  • Ask God to search your heart, reveal anything that may hinder your connection to Him, and prepare you.

  • Ask God to give you the strength to face whatever's necessary to prepare you for this.

  • Enhance your relationship for a closer connection with God by studying His Word and talking to Him more often.

I believe that each of us, or someone we are close to, embodies a beautiful contradiction. I'm referring to those individuals who can wholeheartedly sing or say Marvin Sapp's "Never Would Have Made It." Some of you reading this post might even leave nonbelievers bewildered by the unmistakable glow of God's grace that emanates from you, despite the challenges you've faced.

If any of this resonates with you, then like Jabez, You Are a walking contradiction, defying the odds of your life’s struggles. So, give God His glory!


Sign that says "Good News Is Coming"

If you do not have a relationship with God or have not accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, that is another story, because if you haven’t, you leave yourself open and defenseless to doubt, fragility, toxicity, and confinement.

If you have not accepted Christ as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course titled, THE INVITATION. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation. Just click or touch THE INVITATION or the "FREE COURSE" button below.

If you haven’t accepted GOD’S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:


I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.

It is in Jesus’s name I pray.


All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.

~ Luke 15:10



If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what God’s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!

Also, consider enrolling in the Discovering God self-paced course to learn more about who God is. This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into the nature of God and why we all need Him in our lives.


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